Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Over 50 per cent logistics workforce feel AI, automation spell threat to their jobs: DHL survey

 Covid-19 has greatly transformed the way the world goes to work and has accelerated an already growing adoption of new technologies like automation, artificial intelligence in logistics. This has in turn raised concerns for professionals across the world about their job security and the future of the work is being relooked at and rebuilt by companies globally in light of these structural changes. 

In light of the acute labour shortages faced by the supply chain and logistics sector in a number of nations and with ‘the great resignation’ phenomenon unfolding in the USA, where 4 million Americans quit their jobs in July 2021, it becomes important that the modern workplace and workforce has to be reimagined!

Building on findings from the last Logistics Trend Radar, DHL issued a global workforce survey that generated over 7,000 responses from logistics professionals early to mature in their careers for on-the-ground insight into the preferences, tools, environments, and expectations shaping the future to produce the latest Trend Report titled “Future of Work in Logistics’.

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