Deutsche Bahn is banking on growth in rail freight transport and is purchasing 60 Vectron multi-current locomotives from Siemens. The locomotives, which can be used in cross-border transport and are worth around a quarter of a billion euros, are part
DB Cargo acquires 60 new locomotives from Siemens
DB Cargo acquires 60 new locomotives from Siemens

Deutsche Bahn is banking on growth in rail freight transport and is purchasing 60 Vectron multi-current locomotives from Siemens. The locomotives, which can be used in cross-border transport and are worth around a quarter of a billion euros, are part
Deutsche Bahn is banking on growth in rail freight transport and is purchasing 60 Vectron multi-current locomotives from Siemens. The locomotives, which can be used in cross-border transport and are worth around a quarter of a billion euros, are part
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